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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Work in Bat-progress!

A work in progress pic of my updated 3D prints of Adam West and Burt Ward as Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson:

These were printed in polished, flexible plastic and then hand painted.  


The holiday season is approaching, and as much as we cherish those painted, baked dough ornaments the kids bring home from school every year, we also love to decorate with other fun stuff!  Indeed I do love those homemade decorations crafted by the hands of my brilliant offspring, but hey . . . . I want to craft some cool decorations too!  And then it occurred to me . . . I can make some cool ornaments using this awesome 3D printing technology!  Even if you don't celebrate Christmas or do the whole tree thing, these cool trinkets can be displayed or hung anywhere!  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Do You Sell These Awesome DOO-DADS??

I thought I might write a post to address some questions that I get asked fairly frequently. 

Can I purchase some of these items?
Sure!  You can find some of these 3D prints available for sale at my storefront on – see the link below: 

I also really enjoy the handcrafted side of this hobby and often use some of the prints to create custom made figures and/or accessories.  I usually sell these pieces on ebay.  If you’d like you can follow me as a seller which will alert you as to when I put new items up for auction.  Click on the link below:

Do you do commission work?
Not really, but I do enjoy hearing what types of characters or pieces people are interested in seeing.  This is really just a hobby for me and I do the work in my spare time and fairly sporadically.  The main reason why I don't really take on commission work is that I can't commit to any sort of timeline.  You know when you make an appointment with the cable company and they say that the person will be at your house sometime between noon and 5pm?  Well I don't want to be the cable company.   In my case it would be like saying “Sure, I can make that for you!  I might have it ready next week or two years from now.  Is that cool?”  See . . . no one wants that.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Is 3D Printing?

What exactly is 3D printing and how does it work?  3D Printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.  In the case of my toy making hobby, I use it to produce scale models of characters, props and decoratrions.

You start with a design or a concept of the specific type of model you'd like to build.  Most of the models I've built to date have been characters or props based on photographic reference rather than 2D designed concepts.

The next step is to produce the CG model in the 3D modeling software of your choice.  Most 3D printing services accept a variety of files types to print from, so you can likely use whichever software you're most comfortable with as a modeler.

I use an online service bureau known as Shapeways for printing  my 3D models; although there are some companies who sell desktop 3D printers, which enable you to print 3D models form your very own home!  For me, Shapeways is the fastest, easiest, most cost effective method. You can hear more about the 3D printing process on their website at the link below:

You can print the file in a variety of materials that Shapeways offers.  My preferred material for cost and accuracy is the Strong and Flexible plastic with a polished finish.  I then hand paint the models to complete them.  You can also print models in full color as well.  I’ll go into more detail on the materials in another post!  

The First Post!

Welcome to post #1, of the Hot Serial Toys blog!  You’re probably wondering what “Hot Serial Toys” is . . . but then you think “How long is this post??  I’m on my lunch break for crying out loud!”

Well, Hot Serial Toys is really just the moniker that I’ve given to my tiny toy-making operation.  What’s up with the name, you ask?  I’ll save that long story for a future post.  In the meantime, I can regale you with the long-winded story (about the previously mentioned tiny operation) that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat!!  However, don't get so engrossed that you let your guard down and drift the mouse cursor away from that minimize button on your internet browser window.  You never know when the boss will stroll by . . .  after all, you're supposed to be working!  

So what is this weirdly named thing?  It’s a hobby.  And like most hobbies, it's really fun and can sometimes cause headache, nausea, drowsiness, fever and chronic back pain.  Wait, what?  While I guess most of that can be true, I don't want to be a downer.  Let's change the subject.  So, name is Todd Grimes and I’ve been collecting toys for my entire life.  I won't get into my whole riveting personal details and back story because again, I don't want you to get too engrossed and drift from that minimize button!  Be ready!  When she strolls up and asks you if you can work a few extra hours this week but not log it on your timecard because you’ve already maxed your overtime hours, and then walks away, this blog will still be here!  Then you slip on headphones, but don't turn any music on so you can still listen to co-workers conversations but pretend you can't hear, and also still hear boss lady approach the next time, and CLICK – you maximize this blog right back up!  Actually don't full-screen maximize it . . .  you know, make the window kind of small-ish on the screen but keep the cursor parked of that minimize button!

Holy COW, where was I??

Anyway, during this life-long love of toys, there has always been one aspect that takes it from a fun hobby to sort of . . . (I really hate to use the “O” word because it makes one sound crazy but) an obsession.  And it’s a question:  “Golly, why don't they make the toys that I want?!?!”   You have to say “golly” because it makes it “cute” rather than “crazy.”

Through a process known as 3D printing (also known as rapid prototyping) I discovered a way to make exactly the toys that I want, from my own home studio!  I wanted to create a place on the web where I can share my creations, and hopefully get a chance to see the work of other designers in the 3D printing community.  What exactly is 3D printing, and how does it work?  I’ll save that for another post as well!  I hope you enjoy the Hot Serial, but watch out . . . you WILL burn your mouth!!