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Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Is 3D Printing?

What exactly is 3D printing and how does it work?  3D Printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.  In the case of my toy making hobby, I use it to produce scale models of characters, props and decoratrions.

You start with a design or a concept of the specific type of model you'd like to build.  Most of the models I've built to date have been characters or props based on photographic reference rather than 2D designed concepts.

The next step is to produce the CG model in the 3D modeling software of your choice.  Most 3D printing services accept a variety of files types to print from, so you can likely use whichever software you're most comfortable with as a modeler.

I use an online service bureau known as Shapeways for printing  my 3D models; although there are some companies who sell desktop 3D printers, which enable you to print 3D models form your very own home!  For me, Shapeways is the fastest, easiest, most cost effective method. You can hear more about the 3D printing process on their website at the link below:

You can print the file in a variety of materials that Shapeways offers.  My preferred material for cost and accuracy is the Strong and Flexible plastic with a polished finish.  I then hand paint the models to complete them.  You can also print models in full color as well.  I’ll go into more detail on the materials in another post!  

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